Jim Newell
Director of Marketing/Advertising
Carpenter Realtors®
8722 N. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Direct Line: 317-573-5464 x244
Mobile: 317-514-8453
Email: jnewell@callcarpenter.com
Jim Newell’s Website
Jim Newell on LinkedIn
As Director of Marketing and Advertising at Carpenter Realtors since 2006, Jim has helped guide the company’s communications through the industry’sworst recession in decades, while planning and leading its 21st-Century technology and online plans.
Jim’s role at Carpenter is to strategize and implement all branding and communications. To develop annual plans and to oversee all advertising and public relations. This includes working directly with Carpenter’s 700+ agents to advise and guide the strategy of their personal marketing efforts.
Prior to joining Carpenter, Jim was the Director of Marketing at hhgregg Appliances and Electronics, leading the marketing team for one of the nation’s largest retailers. At hhgregg, Jim led the marketing efforts that helped the company quadruple its size and sales volume, both by opening nw stores (seventeen new markets in five states) and by increasing existing store volume through highly effective advertising and promotional programs.