Carpenter Realtors’ homes for sale on YouTube
Carpenter Realtors recently began submitting homes for sale videos to a thing called YouTube. Interestingly, we simply started because we’d heard about that new internet thingie that everyone’s talking about and we wanted to get in on the ground floor!
At first I was thinking, “Why bother”? No other real estate company in Indianapolis is doing this for their agents at no cost. In fact, no one else is even doing it for their agents at any cost. But then I reconsidered, so … in addition to our most-comprehensive website at, our easiest-to-use mobile website, our Facebook presence and this blog, I figured the YouTube thing might just be worth checking out.
So just in the past few months, we’ve loaded well over 400 videos of homes for sale and real estate, from Carmel to Indianapolis, from Greenwood to Camby and from Greenfield to Greencastle. The videos are all homes that have been featured on Carpenter Realtors’ weekly TV Showcase of Homes, which airs Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. on WNDY, Channel 23. Those 60 homes are loaded to a YouTube channel we call mycallcarpenter, giving buyers yet another way to not only find a home for sale, but to find it in a way that fits their lifestyle.
So far, I gotta say I’m a bit surprised at the word of mouth that’s being generated. We’ve had thousands of views of our real estate videos, the interest in having homes showcased on our TV Showcase of Homes has more than doubled, and best of all – our real estate agents and their clients (the ones with the homes for sale, remember?) are talking. They’re talking about it and sharing those videos with other friends. And it’s not costing Carpenter agents anything to give their home sellers a nice little pick-me-up. A nice little extra effort at a time when the market is, well, soft. Isn’t that what we all should be doing for our sellers?
So maybe this YouTube thing isn’t just for Star Wars geeks and teenage girls talking about their recent shopping trips, eh?
Posted by: Jim Newell