Carpenter Realtors Night at Victory Field a Success!


Over 500 Carpenter Realtors® agents, managers, and friends gathered Monday night at Victory Field in Indianapolis to cheer-on the Indianapolis Indians baseball team.  The event culminated a month-long Open House challenge held by Carpenter to reward the company’s agents for their July Open House activity.  For each Open House held, the agents received a reserved box seat ticket to Monday’s game.  In addition, the Indianapolis Star newspaper handed out $2 bills to each attendee to treat them to refreshments. Monday night was “dollar night” at Victory Field so the $2 bills went for hundreds of hotdogs, popcorn and crackerjacks.

Carpenter agents and staff from as far away as Bedford, Bloomington, Crawfordsville, and Anderson joined agents from throughout Indianapolis and surrounding communities at Victory Field. Carpenter’s #1 agent, Jamie Hall, threw the ceremonial “first pitch” from the mound.  The catcher was caught a little off-guard as Jamie fired a fastball straight across home plate!  Clearly, it wasn’t the first time Jamie had tossed a baseball. Way to go Jamie!

In addition to Jamie Hall, four members of Carpenter’s management team took the field after the second inning to participate in the “dizzy bat” contest.  Tom Myers, Regional Manager, Ted Bitting, Brownsburg Manager, Jennifer Blandford, Zionsville Manager, and Chris Dykes, North College Manager, all participated in the competition.  Ted Bitting won the challenge while Tom Myers took a dramatic head-dive into the manicured grass of left field.  The crowd had a good laugh and fun was had by all with no-one seriously injured!

Posted by:   David Caveness

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