Ride the Recovery

This Blog is the sixth and final installment in the series on The 6 Reasons Today May be the Best Time in 40 years to Buy a Home. Our focus today is Reason # 5: “Now is a Unique Time to Ride the Economic Recovery.”

Despite the chaos in Washington over addressing the nation’s fiscal health, the evidence being presented by economists is that our economy is in recovery; albeit anemic. As the national and local economies continue to slowly grow out of this recession, the housing market will begin to grow as well. There are still a number of economists who will argue the housing market will lead the economic recovery in the coming months and years. As the recovery takes shape, demand will become more balanced with supply. We’re seeing signs of that in our local central Indiana market today as listing inventories shrink. Home prices will begin to rise in response. Again, we are seeing that take shape in our local stats.

Those homebuyers who take advantage of the depressed housing market and purchase property now will experience greater growth in their equity over the coming years. Those buyers will have ridden the wave of economic recovery in housing.


Posted by: David Caveness

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